PORR Construct S.R.L., as a Contractor within the contract concluded with the Beneficiary, the National Company for the Administration of Road Infrastructure S.A. (CNAIR SA), for the investment objective:
Design and execution of „Sibiu-Pitesti Motorway, Section 1: Sibiu – Boița, km 0+000 – km 14+150, Lot 1: km 0+000 – km 13+170” (SP1), organizes the public tender procedure for the award of service/supply contract related to the execution of works that are part of the object of the Contract with CNAIR SA, according to the methodology for using the implementation reserves for the investment objective provided for in Annex 1 to the Contractual Agreement no. 92/27753/19.04.2019.
Therefore, we invite you to participate in this tender procedure and for more details and necessary information, please access the links below: